Worship is how we connect with God and with one another as a community. For us, worship is not the pastor performing for the community; rather, we as community, led by the pastor, fully engage in all aspects of worship, ranging from song to liturgy to passing the peace to communion.
Our worship services are designed to nurture intimacy and cultivate relationship amongst our community, so we come to know the needs of our neighbor, calling them by name, and become more fully aware of God's presence and call upon our lives through relationship. Worship reminds us of our identity as God's Beloved and sends us forth into the world to be a living reflection of Christ's love for all people.
We follow the ancient liturgy of the church, specifically Rite One from the Book of Common Prayer. Those gathering for worship can expect scripture, communal prayers, a sermon, communion, a benediction, etc. Our music is an acoustic and blended style, so we sing ancient chants, traditional hymns, and contemporary worship music. We invite you to join us for Sunday morning worship at 10:00 am. Online worship offering's can be found on Stone Village's YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram accounts.
Our media player allows you to watch, listen, and download our our ministry media. You can also subscribe to our weekly podcast and have the week's sermon downloaded directly to your iTunes account.