The Lenten Season is a time to deepen one's faith, examine one's life, engage in loving community, and prepare one's life for Jesus' resurrection on Easter, a moment of celebration reminding us, we too can rise to new life.

No matter who you are or the path you walk, you are welcome here.

Daily Lenten Devotionals

Ash Wednesday Worship

The Season of Lent begins on Wednesday, March 5 with an Ash Wednesday worship at 7 pm. During this reflective and somber service of song, prayer and Holy Communion, we will be reminded of our mortality, we will confess our faults before God in loving community, and we will receive forgiveness as we begin our journey through the Lenten season. Additionally, those present will be invited to come forward to receive the imposition of ashes. 

Van Gogh and the Beauty of Lent Discussion Group

Vincent Van Gogh devoted his life to light. The light of creation. The light of painting. The word Lent, in its origin, refers to the “lengthening light of spring,” the growing days that, in time, will coax the Sunflowers to open, the wheat field to rise again, and the Irises to bloom. So, what better companion to accompany us on this forty-day Lenten journey than Van Gogh. 


On Mondays, beginning March 10 at 7 pm, Pastor John will lead a 5-week discussion group utilizing scripture, Van Gogh’s art and contemplative practices. Additionally, those participating in the discussion group will visit the Columbus Museum of Art to view Van Gogh’s art on display. If you’re interested in participating in the discussion group or have questions, please contact Pastor John.

The Starry Night Mural Project

On Saturday, March 8, from 10 am – 1 pm, all of Stone Village Church is invited to grab a paint brush and help us recreate Van Gogh’s most famous painting, The Starry Night. The mural, once complete, will be reach almost 15 feet. Additional details will be provided soon, yet please mark your calendar and plan to stop by for 30 minutes or 3 hours. If you have questions, please contact Pastor John. 

Lenten Events, Holy Week & Easter Worship

at Stone Village Church

SVC Kids Easter Eggstravaganza

Saturday, April 12

Maundy Thursday Passover Dinner

Thursday, April 17

Good Friday Stations of the Cross

Friday, April 18

Easter Eve "Unplugged"

Saturday, April 19

Easter Worship

Sunday, April 20