Title: The Holiness Code
Author: Laurie Clark
Scripture: Leviticus 19: 1-2, 11-18
This scripture comes from a section called the Holiness Codes. It includes some verses that are later listed as part of the 10 Commandments.
The American culture emphasizes being an individual so much that often people read the scriptures as an individual: I shall not steal, I shall not swear, I shall love my neighbor as myself. But here God says, “You shall not steal…You shall love your neighbor…” Maybe the “you” is not an individual, but the collective “all of you?” I wonder about this because, almost always, God talks to people as a community first. And not
any old community, but a specific kind of community where love is the central moral framework. Practically, this means people choose not to steal or take vengeance on others. This is what love looks like in the community God is calling together. The community people have come to call church.
After taking a break from church, I realized I missed a group of people gathering to worship God. I missed the ritual of Holy Communion. I missed the rhythmic sound of the Liturgy.
I thought about the kind of church I would consider. It had to be fully inclusive, hard stop. It had to be seeking justice. It had to give me space to linger around the edges and decide if I could give my heart again to a group of spiritual people. It needed to be laid back with rigorous theological reflection, open space for critical thinking, good music, and beauty. It needed to have the Great Thanksgiving. And it needed at least some children. It needed to laugh a little and have some fun. Eventually, I slipped into the back row of SVC. I cried through the first service, and everyone left me alone. It was perfect.
It took me a couple of years to commit. For me, SVC is a place where I can practice loving God and know there are people around me, in silence, in song, in person. For me, this is community love, an expression of the incarnate God, and it is enough.
On day 6 of Lent, what does community love look like and feel like for you?
Devotional Prayer:
Holy One, thank you for distilling the core of your community down to one word: love.