Lenten Devotional Series: Day 9

Thursday, March 13

Title: The Courage to Ask

Author: Anonymous

Scripture: Matthew 7: 7-12


Asking for what we need can be a vulnerable experience. It requires us to be honest with ourselves and with God about our deepest desires—whether for healing, direction, or simply a sense of peace. In this passage, Jesus assures us that God hears our requests and desires to give good gifts to those who ask. But even knowing this, it’s often difficult to express our needs, especially the deeper ones, because it exposes our

vulnerability. We may feel unworthy or unsure about what to ask for, but God’s promise is that God delights in giving good gifts to us.

Take time today to reflect on what you’re hesitant to ask for. Are there deep, unspoken desires in your heart? Trust that God welcomes your vulnerability and will respond with what is good and right for you.

Devotional Prayer:

Loving God,

Help us to be open and vulnerable before You, asking for what we truly need.

Strengthen our trust in Your goodness and remind us that You delight in giving good

gifts to Your children. Amen

Lenten Devotional Series: Day 8

Wednesday, March 12

Title: Defeated

Author: Angela

Scripture: Psalm 46


This is a challenging period in my life. I am dealing with people and parents who are intentionally being defiant. It's difficult to look at the situation and pinpoint exactly where the problem lies. You try to persuade them to change their minds, to help them see a different perspective, and to encourage them to be more compassionate. It becomes even harder when you bring your concerns, issues, or problems to light, yet they still choose defiance.  There are times when things don't unfold as you wish. During these moments, I often feel defeated, having expended substantial energy and emotion, and not achieving the desired result feels disheartening.

There comes a point when you have to let go and let God. Hold on to the idea of God's word, which assures us that He has nothing but the best in mind for you. Romans 8:28 is a great reference. Matthew 6 is also wonderful to meditate on in these times. Rest in knowing that God knows what you need versus what you want or think you need.

Devotional Prayer:

Holy God. My whole being cries out for strength no matter what comes. Amen.

Lenten Devotional Series: Day 7

Tuesday, March 11

Title: Pray Simply

Author: Mark Bryan

Scripture: Matthew 6: 7-15



Jesus teaches us about the power of simplicity in prayer. He warns against using empty phrases, emphasizing that God already knows our needs before we even voice them. This passage reminds us that prayer is not about eloquence or length but about sincerity and trust.

Jesus offers us the Lord’s Prayer as a model—a simple yet profound conversation with God that acknowledges His holiness, seeks His will, asks for daily sustenance, seeks forgiveness, and requests protection from evil. It’s a prayer that focuses on our relationship with God and others, highlighting the importance of forgiveness as a reflection of God’s mercy.

When we pray sincerely, without pretense, we open our hearts to God’s presence and guidance. Let’s embrace the simplicity of honest communication with God, trusting that He hears us, not because of our words but because of our hearts.


Devotional Prayer:

Heavenly Father,

Thank You for knowing our needs before we even ask. Teach us to pray with simplicity and sincerity, trusting in Your wisdom and love. Help us to seek Your will in all things and to rely on You for our daily needs. Grant us the grace to forgive others as You have forgiven us. Protect us from temptation and deliver us from evil. May our prayers draw us closer to You, reflecting a heart of faith and humility.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Lenten Devotional Series: Day 6

Monday, March 10

Title: The Holiness Code

Author: Laurie Clark

Scripture: Leviticus 19: 1-2, 11-18


This scripture comes from a section called the Holiness Codes. It includes some verses that are later listed as part of the 10 Commandments.

The American culture emphasizes being an individual so much that often people read the scriptures as an individual: I shall not steal, I shall not swear, I shall love my neighbor as myself. But here God says, “You shall not steal…You shall love your neighbor…” Maybe the “you” is not an individual, but the collective “all of you?” I wonder about this because, almost always, God talks to people as a community first. And not

any old community, but a specific kind of community where love is the central moral framework. Practically, this means people choose not to steal or take vengeance on others. This is what love looks like in the community God is calling together. The community people have come to call church.

After taking a break from church, I realized I missed a group of people gathering to worship God. I missed the ritual of Holy Communion. I missed the rhythmic sound of the Liturgy.

I thought about the kind of church I would consider. It had to be fully inclusive, hard stop. It had to be seeking justice. It had to give me space to linger around the edges and decide if I could give my heart again to a group of spiritual people. It needed to be laid back with rigorous theological reflection, open space for critical thinking, good music, and beauty. It needed to have the Great Thanksgiving. And it needed at least some children. It needed to laugh a little and have some fun. Eventually, I slipped into the back row of SVC. I cried through the first service, and everyone left me alone. It was perfect.

It took me a couple of years to commit. For me, SVC is a place where I can practice loving God and know there are people around me, in silence, in song, in person. For me, this is community love, an expression of the incarnate God, and it is enough.

On day 6 of Lent, what does community love look like and feel like for you?

Devotional Prayer:

Holy One, thank you for distilling the core of your community down to one word: love.

Lenten Devotional Series: Day 4

Saturday, March 8

Title: Where Would Jesus Be

Author: Matt Yoder

Scripture: Luke 5: 27-32



One of the most popular fads in modern-day Christianity was the “What Would Jesus Do?” bracelets that swept the nation. These bracelets were incredibly popular and found a simple message and a simple way to encourage people of all kinds to follow in the footsteps of Christ on a daily basis.

Perhaps the question we should ask ourselves now is not “What Would Jesus Do?” but “Where would Jesus be?” It’s easy to do what Jesus would do from a position of comfort and living our everyday lives. It’s much more challenging to change our routines and go where it might not be secure and popular.

Jesus dined with tax collectors and sinners in spite of the criticisms and complaints from those whom society rejected. Where would we find Jesus in our world today? And would we be willing to go there with him?


Devotional Prayer:

Loving God, grant us the courage and wisdom not just to follow Jesus in our everyday lives but to disrupt our patterns and routines to go with Him. Amen.

Lenten Devotional Series: Day 3

Friday, March 7

Title: Sanctity or Purity?

Author: Scott Anderson

Scripture: Matthew 9: 10-17


I was once the minister of music at a Southern Baptist Church.  In the early 2000s, we decided to offer a contemporary worship service along with the usual traditional service.  The traditional service had a choir accompanied by a pianist and an organist. The traditional service had a praise group accompanied by a drummer, a bass player, a guitarist, and a keyboardist.  The reason for offering the contemporary service was to appeal to younger people who might respond better if the praise music sounded less like a funeral dirge and more like what they might listen to on the radio.

Those attending the traditional service—also the most senior members of the congregation—lobbied against our using a “rock band” in worship.  The very idea sullied the notion of praise to them. They believed that the faith of their fathers required a more solemn, reflective presentation.  “And, by the way, do you know how much that organ cost?”

The traditional folks thought they were making an argument about the sanctity of worship:  a sacred space required sacred music presented in a historically respected manner.  But really, they were challenging the purity of the musical form offered in the contemporary service: drums and electronics sullied their experience. The worship space had been defiled.

In the scripture passage above, Jesus challenges the Pharisees’ conception of His ministry. They think He should be pure, as they are.  How could He defile himself by eating with impure people?  How could He be the Messiah if He refuses to follow the ancient purity laws?  Jesus’ response was as shocking then as it is now: God doesn’t care about purity. He cares about showing compassion to those who need help. The Pharisees had polished themselves and locked themselves away to maintain their holiness. They didn’t realize that God had already sanctified them for use—to be a channel of blessing.

Devotional Prayer:

Dear God, help me to remember that, as Your Beloved, I am, right now, a holy vessel, an instrument of Your peace. Amen.

Lenten Devotional Series: Day 2

Thursday, March 6

Title: Mean What We Need

Author: Mark Bryan

Scripture: Luke 9: 18-25


Some days, Jesus is our Comforter when we’re struggling. On other days, He’s our Teacher, challenging us to grow. He’s our Savior when we feel lost, our Healer when we’re broken, our Strength when we’re weak. Peter called Him Messiah, but maybe today, you just need to call Him Friend. And that’s okay—because Jesus meets us where we are. The real question is, are we letting Him be what we truly need?


Devotional Prayer:

Lord, Thank you for hearing me when I call You by another name, but still respond to my need. Amen.

Lenten Devotional Series: Day 1

Wednesday, March 5

Title: Seen by the Teacher

Author: Mark Bryan

Scripture: Matthew 6:1-6,16-21



Back in school, I always wanted my teachers to notice when I was doing something extra. If I raised my hand, I wanted them to see that I had the right answer. Even if I was just working hard on an assignment, I hoped they’d walk by, glance at my paper, and nod in approval. But I also remember the times I worked just as hard and got nothing. No comment, no gold star, no pat on the back. And honestly? Didn’t I deserve a little recognition?


Then, every now and then, there’d be a moment—maybe at the end of the year or in a quiet conversation—when a teacher would say something like, “I see how hard you’ve been working,” or “I’ve noticed the way you help others.” And suddenly, I realized they had been watching all along. They weren’t just looking for flashy moments; they saw the everyday things that really mattered.

I think that’s what Jesus is getting at in this passage. It’s not wrong to want recognition—we all want to know we matter. But sometimes, what we really need isn’t applause; it’s to know that we’re seen. And God? He sees it all. The things no one else notices. The quiet efforts. The small sacrifices. The moments of kindness that don’t get posted or praised.


This Lent, maybe we don’t need to try so hard to be noticed. Maybe we just need to trust that we are already seen. And maybe that’s what really matters.

Devotional Prayer: 


You see me - every effort, every sacrifice, every moment no one else notices.

Help me let go of the need for applause and trust that being seen by You is enough.

Teach me to serve, to give, and to love without needing credit, knowing that You know my heart. Amen.